Excellent Safety Record
HDR have an excellent health and safety record that reflects our company attitude to Health and Safety. Our site managers and supervisors are suitably qualified and always mindful to ensure each project is carried out in a safe and tidy manner. This will in itself produce on site efficiencies and increase production.
Risk Assessments and Method Statements
Our projects will have site specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements in place prior to commencement. Where we operate as Principle Contractor each operative will be fully inducted, welfare and first aid facilities are put in place suitable the size of site. Specialist sub-contractors if required are assessed including Health and safety performance.
Certified & Skilled
All our operatives are directly employed, certified and skilled in the use of our plant and equipment. All certification available on request.
Independently assessed high safety standards
As each project progresses, Tool Box talks will be given at set regular times and as required to suit site activities.
Taking measures during the construction process to reduce dust, noise and vibration and avoid air, ground and water pollution, as well as efficient use of plant and vehicles contribute to reducing the unwanted impact construction can have on the environment.
HDR take the implementation of these measures seriously in using up to date processes and equipment as well as providing training to employees. Confirming this commitment HDR have a waste carriers license, waste exemption certification from the Environmental Agency for full compliance with EA requirements along with CHAS certification.
Our consultant Health and Safety advisor is on hand to assist with Health and Safety matters as required and carries out regular site audits to ensure compliance.